METROP Additive RhizoXtrem
Product detailed description
For best results, it should be added to the nutrient solution from the early stages of growth until the appearance of the first flowers.
- This is a top root stimulator, which, however, does not replace ROOT + according to the table dosage. It is an additive - booster
- In cases of a diseased or stressed plant, we can add RhizoXtrem at the recommended dose until the plants are completely recovered.
- Adjust the pH of the nutrient solution to 5.5-6.0 (in hydroponics and coconut 5.5-5.8 in soil, adjust to 5.8-6.0)
- Dosage 30ml / 100l if you work with RO water or low mineralized
- 15ml / 100l into ordinary tap water.